15 December, 2009
Lagi lagi dgn takde kredit ni. Hahaha.
Jadi, wish sini je lah. Mcm awal sket, tapi terime je lah eh Zati?
Ehh, guitar untk lagu ape yg best eh?
Rase mcm nk blaja lagu lagu, tapi tak pnah nk tau lagu ape. :D
(di chatbox di sebelah kanan page) :D
P.S. Din, bagi blek spender aku yg ko pinjam hari tu.
Aku rindu bende tuuu. :D
28 November, 2009
BOSAN! Bile nk carik kerje ni?
Kawan-kawan? :D
Din phm. xD
15 November, 2009
Boleh tahan best ah. The were people dressed in maid dresses.
So.. t'pakse ah ckp, iman ade ah t'gugat. :P
Tapi sikit jek. Ye ahh, skrang ni Izzat dah tak bernafsu. Huwawawa. xD
Pegi cosplay dgn adik. Parents Izzat suroh, originally, smlm tu takde plan.
So, mcm.. adik Izzat takleh kluar klao takde abg/parents yg jage dia.
Jadi.. Izzat pon kluar ngn dia, bersame same kwn kwn dia, I was the only form 4, and the only guy dlm group tu.
Kinda embarassing. @@
TAPIII.. time smpai cosplay tu, mcm agak best ah.
It looked kinda dull and boring at first. Pastuuu bile main event start.
Ade satu band ni, name dia "Flickered Mind" ke ape ntah.
Diorg main lagu Rolling Star, Don't Say Lazy + Cagayake Girls, and last last, Houki Boshi.
Konklusinya, saya agak enjoy cosplay tersebut. Walaupon terpakse lepak ngn budak budak kecik. (Form 2) :P
I bought some souvenirs. Best! :D
P.S. Mase kat sane, ade dua org perempuan ni, diorg pelukis.
PERHHH, kalah Chimi. xD
P.S.2. Why is it that all the posts that have broken grammar.. Tell me to shut up? = ="
Org tegur grammar pon salah ka? Tampar kang! :O
01 November, 2009
New Post! :D
Skrang bleh online time Nizam blek jek.
Rowan Atkinson mati kemalangan semlm.
Kan? :D
In other news, Khairul smakin hensem.
Din smakin sador.
Aqip smakin cool.
Amir smakin kuat.
Aqel smakin tak-emo. xD
Syuk smakin lucah.
Aku smakin?
Sape suroh korg bace blog aku ni?
Dah tau bosan, TAKYAH LA BACE! :D
23 September, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya
Jikalau ada salah dan silap, saya mintak maaf ya.
Dan sempena minggu Raya ini, saya akan taip dengan cara yang baku sekali.
Selamat Hari Raya!
Malam raya pun makan.
Tapi time Hari Raye ade setan.
Ape ape pon, kte tetap makan. :D
Okay, not the best pantun ever. Tapi KESAAHHH plak korg en.
Hahaha. Selamat Hari Raye guys. =)
P.S. Saya rasa saya dilamun cinta. xD
05 September, 2009
Anime yg teramat best dan hensem dan comel dan mmg gile stylo laahh!
It's an anime about a band. :D
A bass cover of the opening of K-On!
Can you say wtfbbqpwnsauceomgzorz 3 times fast? :P
01 September, 2009
Ayuh kte sume mati sbb kene marah ngn ckg sbb tak siap keje umah sbb time cuti main game jek sbb tgh puase sbb bulan Ramadhan. :D
22 August, 2009
Sume org puase, solat tarawih. Tapi ade juge yg tak dpt pegi tarawih, sbb ade tuisyen.
Sayelah salah seorg daripadenye. :D
And disbbkan internet yg gile lagi hendak disepak. Saye tidak dapat online pd jangke mase yg agak pnjg.
Bnyk bende dh jd. Banner laahh, MIA laahh, Din kahwin laahh, H1N1 merebak laahh, perompak kene rogol laahh, makcik saudara belah pakcik aku dpt anak laahh, tandas perempuan meletup laahh, jumpe C4 kat kedai mamak laahh, mcm mcm laahh!
Bulan ini mmg teramat.. umm.. Omoshiroi!
Anyways, baru blek dr tarawih. Saje blog supaye tidak memberi msg kpd org ramai yg saye ni dh mati ke ape. =)
Selamat Berpuase, Bersahur, Berbuke dan Bertarawih.
And, and, congrats to the PMR candidates, dpt lps trial. Hip hip, hooraayyy! :D
09 August, 2009
03 August, 2009
The above statement is a false one. :D
Though, my brothers sume mcm demam, selsema and stuff. Takot gak ohh nk dekat ngn diorg. >_<
Anyways, sekolah skrang dah mule bosan, no more staying after school, no more helping people with art folios and at the same time, ponteng kelas. xD
Huuu, dah bosan. I need something that keeps me coming to school. Kang dtg balik tabiat serong/ponteng skolah nnti. Haha.
29 July, 2009
Haa?! Bak dtg laaa.
Ko mmg mintak penumbuk dowhhh.
Aku tumbuk ko skali, cirit-birit ko sebulan.
Eishhh, dah bangang tu jgn la nk buat gaye pandai!
Ayat-ayat di atas tidak ade kene mengene dgn yg hidup atau yg mati. :D
Saje jek nk tiru post Din. Bwahahaha.
26 July, 2009
Lame gile tak update
Hari tu main laser tag sempena birthday Bazley. Happy birthday Baz. xD
My team got last. Wee~ :D And then the next day tuu, tgk Harry Potter.
Seriously, don't watch Harry Potter. Bosan. -.-
I've been helping the form 5s with their art folio.
Rase best plak dpt rosak-rosakkan folio org niii. xD
And I guess that's all for now. Chow~
P.S. Din ensem dpt lps the MIA ape jadah tu. Congrats botak. Dah botak tu, buat lah gaye botak! Eishh! :P
08 July, 2009
05 July, 2009
02 July, 2009
Sooo, time ktorg pegi, org kat situ bg offer nk show us around. Perhhh, tmpt tu best gile.
Fine Art department dia, HENSEM! xD And ade ah bnyk bnyk lagi. Mls crite. :P
Anywayyyss, I miss my brother. =(
Tadi mkn KFC ngn mereka. Best! xD
28 June, 2009
You make it WAY too hard for people to understand you.
On a side note,
20 June, 2009
Kiseki, Miracle
I'll be loving you more tomorrow than today
afureru omoi ga tomaranai
these overflowing thoughts won't stop
ima mo konna ni suki deiru no ni kotoba ni dekinai
even though I love you so much until now, I can't put it into words
kimi ga kureta hibi ga tsumikasanari
the days you gave me pile up
sugisatta hibi futari aruita kiseki
the miracle of the days that passed that we walked together
bokura no deai ga moshi guuzen naraba unmei naraba
our first meeting might be coincidence or fate
kimi ni meguriaeta sore ga kiseki
but to meet you again and again, is a miracle
as we walked side by side, an everlasting love took shape
itsumademo kimi no yoko de waratteitakute
I want to be laughing by your side forever
arigatou ya ah
thank you
aishiteru ja mada
I love you
tarinai kedo semete iwasete shiawase desu to
it may not be enough but at least let me say that I'm happy
itsumo kimi no migi no tenohira wo tada boku no hidari no tenohira ga
your right palm was always covered just by my left palm
sotto tsutsundeku sore dake de
even with just that
tada ai wo kanjiteita
I could feel love
hibi no naka de chiisa na shiawase
in those days, we found small happiness and piled them up
mitsuke kasane yukkuri aruita kiseki
the miracle we slowly walked
bokura no deai wa ooki na sekai de
our meeting in this large world
chiisa na dekigoto meguriaeta sore ga kiseki
that small event, meeting again, is a miracle
there are days that I can't go on
futari de ireba hare datte
if we are together, the weather clears
tsuyogari ya sabishisa mo wasurerareru kara
pretending to be strong and being lonely can't be forgotten
boku wa kimi de lala
because of you
boku de ireru kara
I can be here
dakara itsumo soba ni ite yo itoshii kimi e
so always stay with me, to you, my beloved
futari fuzake atta kaerimichi
in the home town were we played together
sore demo taisetsu na bokura no hibi
even that is our treasured days
omoi yo todoketo tsutaeta toki ni
the times when we told and expressed our thoughts
hajimete miseta hyoujou no kimi
was the first time you showed that facial expression
sukoshi aida ga aite kimi wa unazuite
you opened up a bit with a nod
bokura no kokoro mitasareteku ai de
the love that made me show you my heart
bokura mada tabi no tochuu de mata korekara saki mo nanjuunen
we're still in the middle of a journey, again, from now on, even before, in tens of years
tsudzuite ikeru you na mirai e
we continue towards the future
for example, look, even if we seem to lose sight of tomorrow..
futari yori sotte aruite towa no ai wo katachi ni shite
as we walked side by side, an everlasting love took shape
itsumademo kimi no yoko de waratteitakute
I want to be laughing by your side forever
arigatou ya ah
thank you
aishiteru ja mada
I love you
tarinai kedo semete iwasete shiawase desu to
it may not be enough but at least let me say that I'm happy
there are days that I can't go on
futari de ireba hare datte
if we are together, the weather clears
yorokobi ya kanashimi mo subete wakeaeru
we'll share everything even happiness and sadness
kimi ga ikeru kara
because you're here
ikiteikeru kara
because you're living on
dakara itsumo soba ni ite yo itoshii kimi e
so always stay by my side, to you, my beloved
saigo no ichibyou made
until the last second
more than today, tomorrow you will be here with a greater smile
kimi ga iru dake de sou omoeru kara
just with that, because I think that,
nanjuunen nanbyakunen nanzennen toki wo koeyou
even if tens, hundreds, or thousands of years pass
kimi wo aishiteru
I love you.
And I LOVE singing this to her. xD
12 June, 2009
The holiday I've spent the last two weeks can simply be described in 1 word, "Mehhh". Bosan gileee kot.
Mkn, tido, mkn tido, lepak umah kwn, kluar, bgn pkol 1 ptg. I need something new! Asyik bende same jek buat setiap hari. Boleh jadi gile tau tak?
Serious ohh, pnah skali tu Izzat terfikir nk stab org.. multiple times. Pastu drag dia masok air, and let him/her/it die. >.<
I'm on my way into becoming a psychopath! FEAR ME! :D
Sooo.. sape yg nk volunteer jadi my victim? =)
20 May, 2009
Pening rase bagaikan nk mati. Hidung dah mule berdarah-darah.
Pastu exam pulak tak dpt nk amek sbb demam bodo ni.
Huuuuuuuuuu~~ Rase bagaikan hendak mati~~ Woo woo~
14 May, 2009
12 May, 2009
19 April, 2009
Dusun Cikgu Nizam
Ade sungai, ade ikan, ade manusia, ade toilet, ade meja, ade kolam, ade mcm mcm lahh.
Pagi tadi saye ke Dusun Cikgu Nizam untk buat shooting. Dan drpd pengalaman itu, saye mendpti bhw ckg saye itu sungguh best. :D
And, and, minggu dpn exam! And I don't have to sit for it!
Yipeeee! :D :D :D
Kene tolong Ckg Syam dlm bola baling ke ape ntah. So I'll be taking the exams after all of this is over.
Bagi form 4 lain yg amek test, tell me soalan soalan yg kluar tauu! xD
Boo! =(
15 April, 2009
08 April, 2009
Basketball Fact
It has to be your determination, and more importantly, the environment around you.
Kene ade org lain yg bleh dunk, and kene biase main ngn dia. Baru bleh dunk on your own.
So putuslah harapan saye untk try dunk. :D
Tapi.. rase rase klao practice mcm org gile, lepas kot?
And btw, saje jek type pasal bende mcm ni. Since my life's too boring to talk about. =)
04 April, 2009
Really, REALLY dark.
Mcm choki-choki, tapi LAGI gelap dari tu.
11 March, 2009
- If you don't day dream and kind of plan things out in your imagination, you never get there. So you have to start someplace." -Robert Duvall
- "Having a dream isn't stupid. It's not having a dream that's stupid." -Cliff Clavin
- "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them." -George Bernard Shaw
- "From what we get we can make a living, what we give, however, makes a life." -Arthur Ashe
- "One kind word can warm three Japanese winter months." -Japanese saying
- "It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law." -Cecil B. Demmile
- "Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force." -Elain Maxwell
- "Listen, or the tongue will make thee deaf." -Native American Proverb
09 March, 2009
Joget Je
Then ktorg tibe tibe start menyanyi. But in a weird yet funny way.
Translate lagu English jadi Melayu and vice-versa. xD
One of my favourites tadi, was Just Dance by Lady Gaga.
Ape.. yg.. sedang berlaku di lantai? (What's.. go.. ing out on the floor)
Aku suke rekod ni tapi aku xleh tgk lurus lagi. (I love this record but I can't see straight anymore)
Buat.. ilek.. je, ape name kelab ni? (Keep.. it.. cool, what's the name of this club)
Aku tak ingat tapi takpe.. takpe. (I can't remember but it's alright.. alright)
Joget je, nnti jadi okay. (Just dance, gonna be okay)
Da da du du.
Joget je. Pusing rekod tu beb! (Just dance, spin that record babe)
Da da du du du.
Joget je, nnti jadi okay. (Just dance, gonna be okay)
Jo.. jo.. jo.. get.. get.. get.. Jo, jo, joget je. (Just.. just.. just.. dance.. dance.. dance.. just, just, just dance)
I know, tak rhyme langsong and merepek gile.
Haha, klao x merepek, mane best! :P
And ade bnyk lagi lagu yg ktorg translate tadi.
Cube korg try, msti best. xD
08 March, 2009
01 March, 2009
26 February, 2009
First Five
I DO feel nervous, but I guess it'll all go away tomorrow.
Tapi, coach kate, "Jgn bagi telur tu pecah" and "If you guys can make the real first five stay at the bench for the whole game, you guys are good".
By "Telur" he meant the score. xD
Soo.. wish me luck tomorrow? =)
23 February, 2009
Start Over

Don't you just wish you could just turn back time, just start over?
New friends, new enemies, new.. everything.
Though I don't regret any of the mistakes I've made.
I really wish I could just.. start over. =|
I wish I was 13 again.
Time really does fly~
I got 98 for Add Maths, yipeee! HAHA! :P
AND 98 for Maths too.
"Woohooohooo", bak kate Syaza. xP
21 February, 2009
16 February, 2009
Short And Sweet
Izzat says:
"nice to know guys liek you exist ;D"
What do you mean by that?
' hana says:
' hana says:
i thought guys yg mcm
' hana says:
innocent, naive, tak pernah cpl, tak pnggl pmpn pet names
' hana says:
dah pupus (:
Izzat says:
Izzat says:
Izzat says:
Hana can just be so funny at times. :P
"innocent, naive, tak pernah cpl, tak pnggl pmpn pet names", I'll remember these words.
Thanks Hana! You made my day. Haha. xD
14 February, 2009
Valentine's Day
The art work we did was displayed, and I was really, really happy with it.
In other news,
This Tuesday dah ade test, I didn't study AT ALL.
I don't even the jadual for the tests! Sibuk sgt buat mural. =S
And btw,
05 February, 2009
Slamat phone Izzat tuu noob jek, but all the numbers dlm tuu, hilang ah.
Wallet xde duit, xde IC sume. So, slamat. Ade kunci umah jek, tapi TAU sbenarnye umah Izzat kat ne.
If anyone has any idea where my phone and/or wallet is, please, inform me.
For the time being, messages via phone shall not be replied. (Obviously) >.<
02 February, 2009
Homework satu bende pown x sentuh lagi, nice lah.
Itulah "Izzat"!
Hope I make it out alive tomorrow. >.<
28 January, 2009
Quick Fact
I can be considered as stubborn since if I get to know a person through the internet.
And the person tuu goes to the same school as I do, bile t'jumpe, I don't tegur.
It's not because I'm sombong, takot salah org.
Malu nanti. >.< So, for those yg know me online jek, make sure you tegur duluu. xD
Saye seorg pemalu. :P

Art is awesome. x)
22 January, 2009
Love Story
“Kiss me” she whispered. He leaned in until their lips gently touched...’
Chase closed the book, and gave a long, satisfied sigh. He put the book back on the shelf, and made his way to the exit door. He was barely thinking about anything beside the book, he was in his own world. Before he knew it, he was already at the park, not very far from the local library. He was surprised to see how far he walked in such a short time. With the cool breeze brushing through his face, and the warm sunlight, Chase had clearly stopped here at the right time. He sat down on a wooden bench, and built a castle in the air.
Sunlight shone brightly from his bedroom window. Alex looked at the grandfather clock leaning against his bedroom wall. It was only half past two. Time was moving too slow. He couldn’t wait to see her. Oh, how he cannot forget her. The girl with the beauty of a goddess, a voice of an angel, a heart of gold, the apple of his eye. She was too perfect. Just thinking about her made his heart beat. He rushed outside, to the park where they promised to meet. Even from afar, Alex can see only her, in a beautiful snow-white dress. She also saw him a second later, and was just as happy. She ran through the gardens, and into his arms. “My dear Rosemary… :’] ” He said in a loving way, caressing her. He brought her chin up, and their eyes met. Then they shared a sweet, gentle kiss.
The king, Rosemary’s father, was outraged. “I told her over and over never to see that bad egg, Alexander!” he said angrily, after knowing about Rosemary’s encounter with Alex. The king had always been a bear with a sore head when it was about Alex. He didn’t want his daughter to be with him. And yet, the next day, Alex came to the grand castle to see the king. He knelt before him and said, “I want to take your daughter’s hand in marriage, pleas-” Before he got the chance to continue, the king just laughed. “Do you really think you are good enough to marry my darling daughter?” he said and laughed again. Alex just knelt there, with a serious expression on his face. “And why do you say such things? Why am I not good enough?” he said with traces of anger in his voice. He didn’t like people underestimating him. “Why, you ask? Because you are weak! You could never protect my daughter! Someone who wants to marry my daughter must prove of his strength, courage and bravery! All which you do not have!” he explained rudely. Alex was shocked and angry. But he did no deny it. It was clear, he was not strong, courageous or even brave. But he will not give up his love! He will do anything to prove the king wrong! He thought for a while, and looked at the king in the eye. “What are you thinking?” asked the king after Alex’s expression suddenly changed. “I will prove to you that I am worthy to marry your daughter. I will take up arms and test my strength, courage and bravery, all for my love.” “No!” a sudden girl’s voice sounded from the entrance of the room. Alex knew that voice too well. It was Rosemary. “No! I forbid you to go to war! You don’t have to do that much for me!” she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I have to! I must have an axe to grind!” he said. She ran towards him and hugged him, never wanting to let go. “I love you” Alex whispered.
Weapons, canons, and armours are all prepared for the war. The horses were fed, the soldiers were getting ready. Both the lovers were praying to God for courage to get through this hour of need and to gain victory. Alex and the other soldiers left at dawn to meet their fate at the battlefield. Meanwhile, back at home, Rosemary was feeling lonely and unsecure. She wandered around town looking for a shoulder to cry on and thats when she coincidentally met her childhood friend, Troy leaning against an alley wall. She told him about everything that had happened while crying. Troy listened patiently and tried to make her smile but she cried even harder. “I'm afraid that Alex will be hurt!” she cried. Troy couldn’t take it anymore. He stood up and said “He is causing you too much pain and sorrow!” Rosemary was shocked to see him talk like that. And then Troy knelt to the ground, took her hand and said “I have always loved you.. Please let me heal your wounded heart and put your sorrows to rest.” He said softly. “Take my hand in marriage!” he added. Rosemary quickly took her hand away. “What? I am in love with Alex! You are my best friend but I refuse! I refuse to ruin our friendship!” she exclaimed. “No! Take me instead! Alex will probably die! Forget him and leave the pain and sorrow you will experience!” he said without thinking thoroughly. “How can you say that?! You were supposed to be my best friend! How could you doubt him like that?!” She cried and ran along the alley. She thought how much of a disaster her life has been. She decided to keep Troy at arms length.
Meanwhile, Troy was feeling like such a fool for being so rash with a girl and a fragile heart. He put his face in his hands and wept. He backed out after seeing how deep her love is and there is no force on earth that can break them up. Troy had no back bone to continue his love and his heart was shattered. He was hanging his head in shame and he later moved away from that kingdom, never wanting to face Rosemary ever again.
The war has ended after a while. Rosemary was waiting for her love to return. She waited and waited in the castle, pacing. Tears were starting to fill her eyes. “Rose!” she heard a man call her. She thought it was just her heart playing games with her mind. She turned her back, “Alex!!” she cried loudly. She ran as fast as she could to the front door, and threw her arms around him. “My love! I have missed you so much! I never doubted you for a second!” she exclaimed. “Yeah, right…” he said doubtfully and grinned. They kissed passionately.
That night, plates clinked and voices chattered around the big dining table. A victory dinner was being held. Alex and Rose sat next to each other and lovingly held hands. Rosemary was smiling like the sun. She felt like the happiest person on earth. But the biggest news among them is that Alex had proven himself as someone worthy to marry Rosemary. Suddenly, the king stood up and asked silence. “I would like to give a speech about the great victory!” Everyone cheered. “Also, I would have to admit, I was wrong about my daughter’s love interest, Alex. You have truly proven yourself worthy to marry my daughter. I will receive you with open arms as my son-in-law. Cheers!” he said while raising the glass of wine. “Alex, please stand beside me pay your respects.” Alex was a little shocked, but he stood up anyway and went beside the king. “I'm going to get married! Che-” Before he could finish his speech, there was a knife flung at him. There were drops of blood, but they were not Alex’s blood, but the King’s blood! He fell down to the floor and everyone panicked. “Father!” Rosemary wailed. “Your Highness!” a servant called. The guards quickly arrested the assassinator and brought him away. “A-Alex… c-come here…” said the king in a loud whisper. “Yes, Your Highness?” said Alex softly. “P-please t-take my p-place as king o-of this kingdom. T-take care of my d-daughter….” His voice starts to fade away. “Father!” Rosemary wailed with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Thank you… Your Highness..” Alex said in a whisper. Alex stood up, holding back his tears. “Please take the king and arrange a proper funeral for him. Build a memorial pole for him. He is a great man who needs to be remembered.” Alex ordered the guards and the servants. “And…” he started. ”To keep the ball rolling, I am the new king.” He exclaimed.
Chase quickly snapped out of his daydream and realized that he was smilling. “I’m definitely going to be an author, and this will be my first book!” he said with a grin. :D
Made by:
Izyan, Dhania, Afieqah, Atiqah, Jai, and Nashrah! :D
My sister and her friends made this, and they're in form 2!
Gile gempak dowhh! Why can't I be more like this? -.-
20 January, 2009
15 January, 2009
Busy, busy
So I'm not really gonna be active with my blog.
Pfft, as if I was active in the past.
Whatever lah. Ape ape pown.
I won't really be online and stuff.
So, see you guys sometime this middle year? xD
08 January, 2009
School, school!
1st of all, I don't deserve that class, I got frickin' 7As. -.-
And 2nd, not many people that I'm friends with, is in there.
I got Aqif, Puteri, Ashley and that's about it.
I asked for a class switch kat Puan Tan.
Dia kate, "Cikgu sbenarnye randomize the people masok dlm class mane, class mane. Sbb tu ade 8A yg masok 4B/4C/4D, so, no changing!". o.o
But oh well, I'm thankful yg kte dpt cikgu-cikgu yg bleh tahan.
But DAMN was I bored today. Serious bosan.
But meh, who am I to complain.. Anyone wanna switch classes to 4A? :P
05 January, 2009
School Rules
Ari tu dh potong rambut, pastu td, ckg ckp, still pnjg.
Wth dowh skolah ni. Now, my hair dh kene potong, AGAIN.
And now, I look like a total freak.
Goodbye, social life. -.-
04 January, 2009
I'm Not Moving
Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move,
Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand,
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am,
Some try to hand me money they don't understand,
I'm not.. broke I'm just a broken hearted man,
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do,
How can I move on when I've been in love with you..
Cos if one day you wake up and find that your missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
So I'm not moving..
I'm not moving.
Policeman says son you can't sit here,
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year,
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.
Cos if one day you wake up and find that your missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
So I'm not moving..
I'm not moving.
I'm not moving..
I'm not moving.
People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl..
There on no hole in his shoes
But a big hole in his world..
Maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,
And you'll come running to the corner..
Cos you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved..
Cos if one day you wake up and find that your missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
[Repeat in background]
So I'm not moving..
I'm not moving.
I'm not moving..
I'm not moving.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I'm not gonna move.
03 January, 2009
This sucks.. really, really sucks.
Hope I can get myself back together in time for school.
Anyways, I'm looking forward into seeing you guys when school opens. XD
Well, that's all for today. Short and simple. :D